Getting Started...

Image courtesy of Pixomar /

Image courtesy of Pixomar /

As the touch of flint to steel, it begins with a spark, a flicker of an idea, something to ignite the mind and fuel creativity.  TouchPoint Mobile aims to provide a resource for to help bring life to ideas and fuel success for those who want to extend mobile technology and leverage the power of the mobile channel.  

The mobile touch point has rapidly become integrated into the fabric of our lives.  We consider the touch screen more valuable than television, our wallet or our keys.  Mobile devices are more personal, flexible broadly distributed than other consumer electronics available.  We have seen mobile-only startup, WhatsApp acquired by Facebook for $US19 billion and the largest mobile advertising firms purchased by Apple and Google long before that.  Yet, many companies are still developing mobile strategies and the industry on whole is still defining the models for success.  

I believe the mobile has the power to engage customers in deeper and more productive ways than previously available.  TouchPoint Mobile will provide discourse, resources and support around this concept and will look at the ways mobile connects consumers and businesses to tools, information, brands, services and each other.  I hope to add other experienced voices to my own and help build TouchPoint into critical resource for anyone playing in the mobile space.