Sharing insights and expertise to help you navigate your next mobile opportunity.  

Let us help you expand your digital strategy.  The world had gone mobile and technology continues to change many aspects on how we engage with customers and deliver services.  Whether you are leveraging mobile in your business today, or you are making the move to do so, you need to optimize your efforts with minimal disruption to your business.  

At TouchPoint Mobile, we provide the expertise and resources that you need to drive the most value from mobile services.  Whether seeking an engagement on a formal project, staff augmentation or simply advice, we have access to the expertise and support you need. 

Where we can help...

PRODUCT STRATEGY - With our experience in the mobile space we can help you determine the right approach to apply mobile to your business success.  We can assist you in evaluating opportunities and choosing the best path forward.

DIGITAL MARKETING SUPPORT - We've been in mobile marketing since the beginning.  As you seek to attract, engage customers and drive discovery throughout the mobile channel.  Let us help you apply the tools and services that will enable you to reach your target.

PRODUCT MANAGEMENT - From ideation and development throughout the full lifecycle, we can help.  We have years of experience in developing applications, managing mobile websites and implementing platforms.   

NEGOTIATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS - No one can do it alone these days.  Finding right partnerships and then securing a strong relationship quickly is critical. We understand the ecosystem and have led countless negotiations for platforms, services, digital media and marketing.  

​Photo Credit: Peter Hellberg

Stephen Ryan, Principal

I am a digital and mobile product and marketing executive who helps companies define and realize their mobile strategies across a broad set of services. I managed an early e-commerce team at MCI and launched a number of payment services including an industry first online billing solution. I joined Nextel to launch mobile data and then grew the mobile web as a service and as a marketing channel that supported mobile advertising, Sprint Nextel's sports and entertainment sponsorships and growth of our digital media business.  Most recently, I ran the mobile data business for NII (Nextel International) where we grew that business 30X in five years and launched 3G data services across four of our five Latin American markets. Throughout those experiences my teams and I developed mobile applications, implemented large platforms, negotiated nearly 100 media and technology partnerships, ran multiple integrated campaigns and worked across multiple industries. 

I have been fortunate to develop and market products and services throughout the Internet revolution, first on the web, extensively on mobile and most recently via the Internet of Things.  Those of us who have traveled this road have often had to cut our own path and make our own rules. We have fallen down and seen some opportunities escape us.  But, we have learned along the way how to bring about success.  I hope to share that acquired wisdom and expertise to help others realize opportunities in this ever evolving space.